Keith Morris in the van
Off! Facebook page
Obviously, the LA Punk 1.0 sound isn’t everyone’s cuppa, but Off! is a fun return to a 30-35-year-old bag of hate, rock ‘n’ roll at its most primal. It’s not innovative and it breaks no new ground, but it doesn’t have to. It’s jagged. tightly coiled, and nasty in all the right places, fueled and nurtured by wholesome suburban rageohol, and for a 45-minute set it’s the perfect length. Plus, you get Keith Morris talking shit for 10 of that. But, as he notes early on, “You get a little spoken word along with your rock concert.” True ’nuff.
Gilman, Berkeley, CA
April 22, 2011
Keith Morris – vocals
Dimitri Coates – guitar
Steven McDonald – bass
Mario Rubalcaba – drums
I hate LA punk but love adios lounge. Looking forward to seeing you at Wiggytown.