“The wind does not break a tree that bends.”
–African proverb
This post is dedicated with love to my beautiful daughter, Leilani, on her 5th birthday. In lieu of the bouncy house and goodnight kisses I wish I could give you, here’s the truth sent with all the love in my heart. Thanks to Glossary for their special brand of Murfreesboro Buddhism.
Glossary – Bend With The Breeze
Feral Fire, 2010
Last Chance
Run honey run as fast as you can
Because the wolves are out
They walk through this town with blood on their lips
And their hands held out
And the vultures are circling above your head
Just watching it all
Waiting for you to make one mistake
So they can watch you fall
So you better find someone to love
And make sure they know you do
Because you either bend with the breeze
Or let it break you
And your daddy had a house up in Harriman
Off the interstate
And when your mama got sick
Fate stepped in and changed everything
Now I’ve seen fires and floods and car wrecks
Where no one survived
But I ain’t never seen fear like I did
When I looked into a broken man’s eyes
So you better grab a hold of something
And let it pull you through
Because you either bend with the breeze
Or let it break you
So run honey run as fast as you can
Because it’s a mean old world
But luck honey luck is always on the side
Of a pretty girl
So hold your head up and don’t you ever
Be ashamed to cry
And never forget how lucky you are
Just to be alive
So you better find someone to love
And make sure they know you do
Because you either bend with the breeze
Or let it break you
And this life can be as beautiful as you want it to
But you got to bend with the breeze
Or it will break you
“The things that keep you up at night are the same damn things that make you happy to be alive”
Man, that is truth. Is that a quote or did your big brain make that one up? Regardless, thank you.
FYI, Fred just texted me that the quote comes from Glossary's song, “Shaking On A Flame,” from their underrated 2006 album, For What I Don't Become. If you'd like to peruse the lyrics yourself, visit the Glossary website.
And a very happy birthday to her. Great blog. Thanks. W.
What a wonderful looking daughter you have, hope she had a great day!