A couple of weeks ago, my interview with Michael Limnios of Blues.Gr was posted to his website of the same name. Blues.Gr is “the online community of people that got the blues in Greece” and it blows me away that there is such a thing. 100 years ago, if for some inexplicable reason you found yourself at Dockery Plantation in Mississippi, the honest to God cradle of the blues, and told a 20-something-year-old Charley Patton that his songs would someday be celebrated in Greece, the birthplace of western civilization, he likely as not would’ve vacated your presence forthwith.
It was very cool of Michael to seek me out and I thank him for the opportunity to talk. We discussed the philosophy of The Adios Lounge, collecting records, the music business as plantation, the lines that connect Leadbelly, Gene Vincent, 13th Floor Elevators, and Blasters, and what it would like to spend a day with Johnny Cash and Jack Kerouac. If I could change one thing about the Q&A, I’d add Levon Helm to the list of historical music personalities I’d like to meet. Levon was one of the good ones and as engaging a personality as you’ll find in rock ‘n’ roll history.
Anyway, of all my As to Michael’s Qs, I think this sums up The Adios Lounge as well as anything.
Blues.Gr: What from your memorabilia and things (books, records, photos etc.) would you put in a time capsule?
LD: Rather than a time capsule, I’d like to donate the following items to the University of Fanboy Drunk Posting: Exile On Main Street on vinyl; Double Nickels On The Dime on white vinyl; Houses Of The Holy on 8-track; the Bo Diddley Chess Box on 2 CDs (partly for the music and partly because the packaging is so clunky and overbearing, it totally defines the era); the Sir Douglas Quintet boxed set, a picture from the Viper Room taken on August 14, 1993, featuring Gibby Haynes (Butthole Surfers), Johnny Depp, Evan Dando (Lemonheads), Bob Forrest (Thelonious Monster), Jim Jarmusch, and Shane MacGowan (Pogues); Amazon gift card; broken mp3 player; 2 guitar picks; poster of May 14, 2004, covers night featuring Grand Champeen, Li’l Cap’n Travis, and Moonlight Towers (pictured below); and a baby tee of Check Your Head that my daughter Lucinda wears.

Poster by Decoder Ring Design